Sciatica Pain Rumor

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Rumor #1. Once you have sciatica pain, you will always have it.

Rumor #2 You are prone to keep getting sciatica, once you’ve had it.

painful sciatica down buttocks and back of legThese statements are both false. However, there is a little more merit to the second rumor.

Many people think they have sciatica, but undiagnosed. The pain is similar to Sacro-Iliac Joint pain. A doctor can diagnose your condition.

You can get relief from sciatica pain, especially if it is the kind that starts at the sitting bone area and travels down the back of the leg.  This is usually an inflammed hip rotator muscle that is pressuring a nerve. A special treatment at Calm Relief is available with tremenedous long term success.   Click here for more information. Some sciatica care requires a doctor and a massage therapist.

Calm Relief Sciatica

Sciatica – Squeezed nerve by inflammed Piriformis hip rotator muscle.

The cause of sciatica may be from a reptitive motion. You may not know what motion that is.  In a sciatica session, we discover what motion is the cause and find a way to modify that motion. While it is a false rumor that you are prone to sciatica, the fact is you need to know the cause for prevention steps to take place. There are also strengthening motions to take to prevent it from happening .

While having sciatica pain,  a big mistake is to use an ottoman or foot rest with a straight leg.  This causes greater inflammation and increased pain.  When you have sciatica, you need to keep your knees bent as much as possible. When you sleep or sit in a recliner, you need a pillow under your knees.  A cold pack, placed in the center of the painful buttocks cheek,  is usually the best home treatment to get inflammation lowered.

Feel free to call 407-756-4947 to see if you are a candidate for sciatica relief.

Before and During a Massage

Finish eating 90 minutes before a massage or bodywork. During a massage with lotion, all clients are draped conservatively. Payment expressing your satisfaction is made after your first received service. No refunds are provided on received services.

After a Massage

The time it takes to disrobe and get dressed is counted as part of your session length, which is standard in massage therapy.

Drink at least two cups of water following a massage. The wonderful feeling after a massage will last longer. Water is needed to cleanse stirred debris.


Should I come with a sore throat or fever?

NO. Sickness is contagious, especially in the first three days.  Massage makes sickness feel worse. Calm Relief now uses a NO-Touch Thermometer before the session. No massage will take place when a fever is present. If you are not sure you should come, call to discuss it. 407-756-4947 Thank you for understanding and providing notice.


CASH tipping is customary for excellent service. Credit card companies charge a merchant fee. The full amount is received when it’s cash. Though not required, it is greatly appreciated!  However, Calm Relief never wants added financial stress, and would rather have your business.

Calm Relief, LLC