Cranial Wellness

Cranial Wellness supports your whole body. It stimulates or calms nerve tension in your cranium and scalp with multiple benefits. For general wellness it may calm your mental fatigue, assist with mental clarity, reduce headaches, increase focus, processing, and healthy brain connections. 

Scans have proven the increase in circulation and oxygen to the brain/body connection. (Ask for a picture of the before and after scan showing the improvements.) Your sense of well being is subtle and relaxing.

After a head injury, pain is typically reduced with a decrease of swelling from this service. There could also be an unexplained pain somewhere in the body that this service may help minimize.

This cranial wellness may benefit with one or more of the following symptoms:

  • brain fog
  • mental fatigue
  • lack of focus, easily distracted
  • confusion
  • headache
  • concussion pain, coordination, sleep
  • old head injury memory challenge
  • excess stored fluid/inflammation
  • previous stroke frustration 
  • whiplash 

Cranial wellness stimulates the soft tissue connections where nerves are present, called cranial sutures. This therapy gently pulses to open more support or healthy electronic connections for your nervous system to calm or support balancing in lymphatic and pain pathways. This safe method uses noninvasive microcurrent point stimulation (MPS) technology.  The basis of this therapy began with Dr. William Sutherland’s work in osteopathy one hundred years ago. This work is now complemented by Dr. Bruce Hawkins, acupuncturist and electrical engineer with Dolphin MPS Neurostim handheld tools, pictured at the bottom of the page with the chart.

Many people are familiar with the concept of treating the feet to affect different areas of the body or perhaps treating the ears. This method treats the cranium scalp surface to release restrictions and gently pulse a better communication in the nerve conduction.  Its subtle and mimics the brain signal, to stimulate calming with endorphins of dopamine and serotonin release. This service should be scheduled on a day you have little activity planned. The session length is 75 minutes. Plan low to no activity after the session for the rest of your day.  Some people are energized following the session, while others want a nap from 2 to 8 hours. 

Q: Does it hurt? A: NO.

Q: Can I have the service even if I have NOT had a head injury? Yes.  It helps you feel calmer, focused.

(S) After the service plan a quiet light activity day, not housecleaning,  nor chiropractic adjustment that day. You may want to read a book or take a nap.

Calm Relief Cranial Sutures Release before and after

Before and After Cranial Wellness

“I was in a car accident with whiplash 8 years ago. My head hit the door post. I had headaches a lot since then and it hurt to raise my arms. The pain level was strong, as 8 of 10.

After cranial wellness, raising my left arm doesn’t hurt at all. Raising my right arm hurts about a 3 of 10. That meant the world to me for better sleep and enjoying my days.”  -DeAnna M. Casselberry, FL Dec 2015


Pain relief treatment


Before and During a Massage

Finish eating 90 minutes before a massage or bodywork. During a massage with lotion, all clients are draped conservatively. Payment expressing your satisfaction is made after your first received service. No refunds are provided on received services.

After a Massage

The time it takes to disrobe and get dressed is counted as part of your session length, which is standard in massage therapy.

Drink at least two cups of water following a massage. The wonderful feeling after a massage will last longer. Water is needed to cleanse stirred debris.


Should I come with a sore throat or fever?

NO. Sickness is contagious, especially in the first three days.  Massage makes sickness feel worse. Calm Relief now uses a NO-Touch Thermometer before the session. No massage will take place when a fever is present. If you are not sure you should come, call to discuss it. 407-756-4947 Thank you for understanding and providing notice.


CASH tipping is customary for excellent service. Credit card companies charge a merchant fee. The full amount is received when it’s cash. Though not required, it is greatly appreciated!  However, Calm Relief never wants added financial stress, and would rather have your business.

Calm Relief, LLC